This web service provides methods that allow you to create, manage and report upon address book contacts.
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Adds a new contact to an address book.Parameter
Username: Password: FirstName: Provide a first name for you new contact. LastName: Provide a second name for you new contact. MobilePhone: Provide a mobile device number for you new contact. EmailAddress: Provide an email address for you new contact. GroupName: Provide a group name from your address book to put your new contact in. If you do not want to put the contact in a group set this parameter to null. ResultText: E.g. 3 entries added to address book for 3 entries added to group MyExistingGroup. Code: -
Adds a new contact to an address book.Parameter
Username: Password: FirstName: Provide a first name for you new contact. LastName: Provide a second name for you new contact. MobilePhone: Provide a mobile device number for you new contact. EmailAddress: Provide an email address for you new contact. GroupName: Provide a group name from your address book to put your new contact in. If you do not want to put the contact in a group set this parameter to null. Duplicate: Determines if a contact can be added if their is already one present. ViewDetailResult: Determines if the person number is returned to the user ContactIDArray: Provide a string jagged array (e.g. string[][]) output parameter. This will be populated with elements containing information about an account's contacts that have been added to the address book. ResultText: E.g. 3 entries added to address book for 3 entries added to group MyExistingGroup. Code: -
Deletes contacts from an address book.Parameter
Username: Password: PersonNumber: Provide an array of strings containing valid person numbers to delete. The List or ListSelected methods of this web service can be used to determine the person numbers of all the contacts for this account. ResultText: E.g. 3 entries removed from address book for Code: -
Lists all contact's details.Parameter
Username: Password: ReportArray: Provide a string jagged array (e.g. string[][]) output parameter. This will be populated with elements containing information about an account's contacts. ResultText: E.g. Address Book for was successfully retreived. Code: -
Lists a selected contact's details.Parameter
Username: Password: EmailAddress: Provide an array of strings containing email addresses from you address book. Only provide the email addresses for contacts you need to know information about. ReportArray: Provide a string jagged array (e.g. string[][]) output parameter. This will be populated with elements containing information about the contacts specified in the EmailAddress parameter. ResultText: E.g. Selected entries from address Book for Code: -
Lists all contact's details that appear in the 2sms's Stop Log table.Parameter
Username: Password: ReportArray: Provide a string jagged array (e.g. string[][]) output parameter. This will be populated with elements containing information about an account's contacts that appear in the 2sms's Stop Log table. ResultText: E.g. Address Book for was successfully retreived. Code: -
Lists a selected contact's details that appear in the 2sms's Stop Log table.Parameter
Username: Password: PhoneNumbers: Provide an array of strings containing phone numbers from your address book. Only provide the phone numbers for contacts you need to check are in the 2sms's Stop Log table. ReportArray: Provide a string jagged array (e.g. string[][]) output parameter. This will be populated with elements containing information about the contacts specified in the Phone Numbers parameter. ResultText: E.g. Selected entries from address Book for Code: -
Modify a contact in an address book.Parameter
Username: Password: PersonNumber: Provide a valid person number for your contact. The List or ListSelected methods of this web service can be used to determine the person numbers of all the contacts for this account. FirstName: Modified first name for you new contact. If you do not wish to modify this parameter set it to null. LastName: Modified second name for you new contact. If you do not wish to modify this parameter set it to null. MobilePhone: Modified mobile device number for you new contact. If you do not wish to modify this parameter set it to null. EmailAddress: Modified email address for you new contact. If you do not wish to modify this parameter set it to null. ResultText: E.g. Address book entry succesfully modified.; Code: